
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Language Crank

"Homegrown" is tasty and...homey; "local," bland and merely descriptive.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

After a Visit to a Country Where it Never Snows

In this latitude
wake to distant hammering
only in summer.


私は古典の短歌詩人たち(特にオノいいえの小町と和泉Shikibu)が好きです。 私は、あなたがそれらの仕事のバージョンが好きであることを望みます。 質問、コメント、あるいは批評〔非難〕が歓迎されます。


有關我的著作的其中很多個評論在中文裡。這樣我嘗試用中文編寫一份小邀請。謝謝到的每個人評論了。問題,更長評論,或批評也是受歡迎的。我將樂意回答,如果我能。大部分我的著作是我的翻譯,或在英語中的版本, Du Fu,李 Bai,其他的中。但是我也編寫其他事情。如果你在尋找中國詩和你在第一個頁不找任何,看下一個夫婦頁。你可能很快將找有些。

Friday, June 25, 2010

And Even More Compressed

This world, I try not to see,
still dogs me like a shadow.
--Minamoto no Toshiyori

Another Tanka I've Translated into a Haiku--What Am I Missing?

Foam on the water
I am, that still wants to live
for a thousand years.
--Otomo no Yakamochi

The Tortures of the Damned II

Those who believe that, in answer to their prayers, God will redirect the lives of others, will spend each day in Hell broken down on a lonely road. As they pray for help, a car will appear and they'll be offered a ride. One day the car will be involved in a fiery crash at the first intersection. The next day, the driver will be a pervert with terrible hygiene. The next day the driver will kick them out of the car when they praise the wrong god for their deliverance. The next day...