
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Memo to Rick Scott:  The Constitution says "keep and bear arms," not "guns."  So why stop the city of Tampa from banning guns in the vicinity of the RNC convention, when you're letting them get away with cleansing the area of other types of arms, such as knives, clubs, Mace, a poleaxe or a dragoon's sword? 


In the car, I often make myself listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.  Today, I  had to switch to my Cecilia Bartoli CD every few minutes for a mental cleanse, but anyway...A couple days ago, I was listening to Rush read directly from the opening paragraph from an LA Times article abt CNN.  One little thing didn't sound right, so I looked up the text:

With the Republican and Democratic national conventions approaching, the news network is in a quandary about the direction it needs to take to regain its declining viewership, which some say might involve dropping its refusal to 'take sides' in the political debate.

When he got to Democratic national conventions he "read" Democrat national conventions.   He always says Democrat Party himself--which I find to be both a linguistic and a political affront.  Now he can't even stop himself from making an innocent newspaper sound as insulting as he is.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012


In the dim morning,
a gray lake beyond the trees.
Our road curves away

from afternoon,  where one boat
may sail on bright blue water.