
Friday, June 22, 2012

The singer is of Dutch-English origin and grew up in Thailand.  The song is from the Khmer people
living in Thailand along the border with Cambodia.  A performance with some gravitas.

Dewi Perssik, one of the most prominent Indonesian dangdut performers.  "Mimpi manis" is "sweet dream."

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Now, the method of Buddhism, and this is absolutely important to remember, is dialectic. That is to say, it doesn't teach a doctrine. You cannot find out anywhere what Buddhism teaches, as you can find out what Christianity or Judaism or Islam teaches. Because all Buddhism is a discourse, and what most people suppose to be its teachings are only the opening stages of the dialog.
                                                                               --Alan Watts

"Faith" is more and more being used a synonym for "religion."  This works fairly well for those three religions of Middle Eastern origin, but not very well at all for many other religions.  Not all make a virtue of believing something for which there is insufficient evidence.  Not all have a absolute truth to have faith in.  This very parochial linguistic practice makes it even more difficult for us to make sense of unfamiliar religions.  And it drives me nuts.